We specialise in crown splines for aerospace applications, fine pitch gears for instrumentation and non-involute forms whilst our comprehensive range of gear cutting machines allows us to produce spur gears, involute splines, serrations and worm & wheel gear sets. Complete manufacturing or gear cut only services are available.
Benefits of CNC Milling
CNC milling is more advanced than manual milling, and as expected, it offers a variety of benefits for both the machining business and the clients that outsource the production of their components.
- Precision
- High production
- Less labour
- Uniformity

Benefits of Manual Milling
Even though CNC milling is the preferred method in most businesses and even for some clients, there are some applications and situations that are best suited for manual milling, and as such, it also has its fair share of benefits.
- Lower capital
- No programming
- Shorter turn-around time
- It is a great back-up